Download raPPPid from GitHub and follow the instructions provided in the README
Open Matlab and navigate to the WORK folder of raPPPid. Start the GUI with
Please note that the GUI might look slightly different depending on your raPPPid version.
To perform your first processing, you will need a RINEX observation file. With one of the following commands, you can either download a RINEX observation file into or copy locally saved RINEX files to the raPPPid data folder. Note that these commands will only work after you have opened the GUI because then the folders have been added to the Matlab search path.
DownloadDaily30sIGS({'GRAZ00AUT'}, 001, 2020) % download
CopyData2Folders() % select and copy
Now you can load your RINEX observation file into the GUI with the pushbutton "..." (1). Navigate to your RINEX file in the folder of the year (e.g., 2020) and the day of the year (e.g., 001). Open the RINEX file (e.g., GRAZ00AUT_R_20200010000_01D_30S_MO.rnx). You will get a list of the observed GNSS and frequencies. Press OK. To prepare your first processing, disable all other GNSS except GPS with the GNSS checkboxes (2) and make sure that only the first two GPS frequencies (L1 and L2) are activated (3).
Afterward, your GUI should look similar to the following. You can hit the "RUN" button to start your first processing.
After some time, the processing is finished and a simple coordinate plot opens. To create more plots, you should change to the Single Plot panel of the GUI. You find details about this panel here: Single-Plot
The data of the last processing is automatically selected and you can enable plots with a multitude of checkboxes. Load the true position, choose the Three Coordinates Plot, and create plots with the marked pushbuttons. Your resulting plot should look similar to the following screenshot.
Well done, you have successfully finished your first PPP processing! This was a GPS-only float solution for all data included in the RINEX observation file. You have used the IGS final satellite orbit & clock product and CAS Multi GNSS DCBs as precise satellite orbits, clocks, and biases. Check the output in the RESULT folder of raPPPid:
Not bad for the first try. Now you should play around with different settings and check the results: Try loading one of the provided parameter files. Include further GNSS into the PPP solution! Insert a reset to e.g., every full hour - then you can create Multi-Plots and study the convergence behavior. Have fun!
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