This page refers to the "Single-Plot“-Panel of the GUI. To create plots, you have to load a data4plot.mat file into the GUI with the button on the top of this panel. After the processing of a single observation file is finished, this path is set automatically. To create the enabled plots, push the button "Plot". Using the existing checkboxes, you can en/disable specific plots described below. Additionally, you have to…
Coordinate Plot: This plot consists of three subplots, each showing the coordinate difference over time to the true coordinates (North, East, Height). You can change the limits of the y-axes in the figure directly. Note that each plot has different ticks (hh:mm, epochs, seconds).
Clock Plot: This figure shows the estimated receiver clock or offset for each enabled GNSS over time. If the used precise clock file contains an estimation for the GPS receiver clock error, these values are added to the estimated GPS receiver clock error plot.
DCB Plot / Receiver Biases: This plot shows the estimated receiver biases (e.g., Differential Code Biases (DCBs)) for the activated GNSS over time. Additionally, please check the function vis_plotReceiverDCBs.m if you want to plot the "true" receiver DCB from the CAS Multi-GNSS DCBs in green and a histogram of the difference to this true receiver DCB is plotted in subplot(s).
Three Coordinates Plot: This plot shows the difference over time to the true coordinates in one plot.
Troposphere Plot: This opens a GUI where different troposphere values can be plotted, for example, the estimated residual zenith wet delay (ZWD), the modeled ZWD, the modeled zenith hydrostatic delay (ZHD), or the zenith troposphere delay (ZTD) over time can be plotted. You can download the IGS estimation from an FTP server to plot the "true" IGS values. You can open the plot in a new figure, for example, to use the data cursor or export the figure. If two datasets are enabled, you can create a histogram.
Map Plot: This plot shows the estimated position of all processed epochs and the true position on OpenStreetMap.
UTM Plot: This plot shows the estimated position of all processed epochs and the mean of all positions in relation to the true position in UTM projection.
Correlation Plot: This opens a GUI where you can go through all processed epochs and investigate the covariance matrix of the adjustment.
Float Ambiguity Plots: Plots the estimated float ambiguities of each processed frequency over time.
Standard Deviation of Parameters: Plots the standard deviation of the estimated parameters over time.
Fixed Ambiguity Plots: This opens a plot window containing multiple subplots. The first few subplots show the fixed ambiguities, and their fixed values are color-coded. The last plot (on the bottom) shows completely fixed satellites (blue). The reference satellite is visualized in all visualizations as a red line. Furthermore, satellites not observed are shown in light yellow and, satellites under the cutoff are in grey. The fixing percentage of fixable satellites is also printed to the command window. In its computation, only satellites above the cutoff angle are considered, and the reference satellite is removed from the calculation.
Standard Deviation of Ambiguities: Plots the standard deviation of the estimated float ambiguities over time.
Residuals Plot: This opens three different plots. The code and phase residuals over time, the code and phase residuals over elevation, and a histogram of the code and phase residuals. This histogram contains the total distribution, the bias, and the standard deviation of the corresponding residuals.
Signal Quality: This opens three different plots. The Signal-to-Noise-Ratio of all processed frequencies over time, code minus phase of all processed frequencies over time (3rd-degree polynomial deducted), and the Signal-to-Noise-Ratio of all processed frequencies over elevation.
MP LC: Plots the Multipath linear combination (MP LC) over time, over elevation, and over C/N0. To create these plots make sure that at least two frequencies have been processed.
Residuals for each Satellite: This opens a lot of figures where you can find histograms with the bias and standard deviation of the residuals of each satellite for the code and phase observation.
Ionospheric Correction Plot: This opens a plot of the modeled ionospheric delay over time and (depending on the ionospheric PPP model of the processing), the estimated ionospheric delay over time, the difference between the modeled and estimated ionospheric over time, and a histogram of this difference.
Cycle Slip Detection Plot: Depending on the enabled cycle-slip-detection method(s) during the processing method, a plot for each satellite shows the results of this detection method.
Stream Corrections Plot: Displays the corrections from the applied real-time correction stream with the associated Issue of Data (IOD). Note that only the processed period and observed satellites are shown. The IOD is divided by 100 to make the plot more readable. Furthermore, a own plot shows the time difference between subsequent corrections in this period is.
Applied Biases Plot: This plot shows the applied code and phase biases for all satellites and epochs.
Elevation Plot: This opens a plot for each selected GNSS where the elevation of the tracked satellites is color-coded visualized.
Satellite Skyplot: This opens a GUI that contains a sykplot showing the visibility of the GNSS satellites using their azimuth and elevation. The satellites are color-coded depending on their signal-to-noise ratio or the size of their code or phase residuals. You can adjust the thresholds of the color coding. You can change the shown time/epoch and time span (how many of the last epochs should be plotted). You can show or hide the satellite label. The satellite label is plotted at the current time, so the tail of the last n epochs is shown. If you want to save the current view, you can export it to a figure.
Satellite Visibility Plot: This opens a plot of the total number of visible satellites for each selected GNSS in the processed timespan and the visible PRN numbers. If only GPS is chosen, also the number of visible L5 satellites is shown in addition to the number of GPS satellites.
DOP Plot: This plot shows the PDOP, HDOP, and VDOP over time.
Load static: Load the true position from „Coords.txt“ (in ../DATA/COORDS/), the daily IGS coordinate solution, the weekly IGS coordinate solution, or the EUREF coordinates of this day. The coordinates from the first source, where a data entry matches the 4-digit station name, are loaded. The 4-digit station name is extracted from the RINEX header (entry: MARKER NAME). If you enter 0 or 1 or NaN, the median value of this coordinate is taken as the true coordinate.
Trajectory: Load a reference trajectory from a text file (e.g., NMEA). Check the function LoadReferenceTrajectory.m for implemented formats.
Coordinates: You can change or enter values manually.
Float or fixed solution: Select for which solution the parameters will be plotted (e.g., coordinates).
GNSS: Choose which GNSS will be considered when creating the plots.
Check all: Enable all plots.
Uncheck all: Disable all plots.
Use Multi-Plot-Table: If enabled, the data4plot.mat files currently loaded in the Multi-Plot-Table are stacked for Single-Plotting. The enabled Single-Plots will be created. In this way, it is possible, for example, to plot the estimated ZWD for three consecutive days of a specific station. Therefore, make sure that the Multi-Plot-Table contains only a single station. This option is only experimental for multiple stations.
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