This panel controls the output created from raPPPid after the processing. The output is saved in the RESULT folder of the processing. All variables are saved into the data4plot.mat file.
settings.mat: This file contains the settings of the processing in Matlab format. You can load this into the GUI and repeat this processing with the same settings.
data4plot.mat: This file contains the processing results in Matlab format. The four struct variables (settings, storeData, obs, satellites) contain the data of all epochs and satellites. The rows of the variables of these structs correspond to the epochs and the columns to the raPPPid satellite number (e.g., 221 = E21 = Galileo PRN 21).
export model_save: Add the variable model_save, which contains the values of all modeled error sources of all epochs and satellites, to data4plot.mat.
settings_summary.txt: This file contains a summary of the used processing settings in a human-readable text format. Please open the file, and it should be self-explaining.
results_float.txt: This file contains the collected result of the float solution for all epochs and satellites. Please open the file; it should be self-explaining since it contains an explanation of its content.
results_fixed.txt: This file is created only for a processing with PPP-AR. It contains the results of the fixed solution for all epochs and satellites. Please open the file, and it should be self-explaining. The file contains an explanation of its content.
TROpo file: Write tropo-file with the estimation of the tropospheric delay
nmea file: Write nmea-file
kml file: Write kml-file
.C1_/…/L1_/…/_bias: save fields
.epochheader: save field
storeData: save variable
.iono_mf: save field
.vtec: save field
satellites: save variable
.D1, .D2, .D3: save Doppler measurements into satellites
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