Make sure that you are familiar with raPPPid by completing the other processing examples first.
Download and run BKG Ntrip Client (BNC). Use the button at the bottom left to add streams for RINEX observations, RINEX ephemeris, and broadcast corrections, which requires registration (e.g., at the Real-Time section of the International GNSS Service, You should also check that your BNC settings look similar to the screenshots below. Although the files created are large, it is recommended that you write daily files.
Start retrieving the streams.
For real-time processing you need to select:
which are currently being streamed and written by BNC. Switch to the raPPPid GUI and, first, select the streamed RINEX observation file.
Select a reasonable start time for real-time processing (e.g. a few minutes in the future). Note that the timestamps of the RINEX observation file are used, usually GPS time.
Select the RINEX navigation file and the correction stream file as shown in the screenshot above. Also make sure you have selected 'Correction Stream' for the biases under Models/Biases. This will cause raPPPid to apply the biases from the correction stream, if available. Also make sure you have real-time PPP settings by changing the troposphere model to GPT3 in Models/Troposphere. Otherwise the default settings should be real-time capable.
Press the RUN button to start processing. If you want to stop the processing before the defined end, press the STOP button on the GUI. After processing you can create Single and Multi-Plots.
Quasi-Real-Time Processing: raPPPid easily allows post-processing with real-time settings, called quasi-real-time processing. If you want to perform quasi-real-time processing, you can use the same settings as for real-time processing, but you need to uncheck the real-time checkbox on the Input File panel and specify the time span of the RINEX file to be processed at Run/Processing Options.
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